Message from the Representative Director, President


Message from the Representative Director, President

The Krosaki Harima Group continues to strive
to be “a company
that contributes to realizing a sustainable society,
the well-being of future generations,
and the conservation of the Earth’s environment”.

SDGs and the Paris agreement represent a societal shift that asks companies to not only consider economic growth but also realize new values by actively working on social issues such as environmental problems and pursuing harmony between humans and nature. The Krosaki Harima Group acknowledges the importance of the realization of new values and will carry on being “a good cosmopolitan company” that will continue supporting the future of humankind and our Earth.

The sustainable society the Krosaki Harima Group aims to create

From the time we were founded in 1919, our company has supported the development of the industry for over 100 years.
In 2003, we based our corporate philosophy on “The world's best realization of customer value”, and have been developing our business with the mission of providing valuable products and technologies in the field of ceramics to the world, supporting the development of the industry, and contributing to the prosperity of society through constant innovation. We are proud that the business activities of our Group have supported Japanese manufacturing, which is the cornerstone of today's prosperous society.
Currently, various environmental problems, such as abnormal weather and disruptions to the ecosystem, have arisen due to global warming. At the same time, we have also seen an unprecedented widening of income inequality between regions and serious poverty becoming a problem.
Under these circumstances, our Group has resolutely set forth the following four ideas, given the importance of working toward the common goals of the SDGs in order to make a sustainable and prosperous society and to leave a beautiful earth for future generations.

The first is contributing to society with our technology to “Control the Heat”. Our Group possesses “heat management” technology that makes the best use of the heat resistance, heat insulation, low thermal expansion, soaking and heat shielding properties of ceramics. These days, heat management technology is needed in various fields, starting with steel and energy conservation environments, as well as in electronics, medical care and space, etc. Our Group provides high performance technology across each fields which also mitigates the environmental burden. We will continue to work toward further contributions to society using this technology.
The second is to be a company that values people. We will continue to push forward with diversity and inclusion efforts, job security with our Group, global human resource development and the women’s empowerment and will continue to promote initiatives that show how we value people.
In addition, we will continue to provide various avenues of support that are already being provided by our overseas group companies, such as free medical care and school education for employees and their families and scholarships for poor students.
The third is a relationship with the community. We will continue our efforts toward contributing infrastructure for better urban development; station plazas and parks have been colorfully laid with our landscape bricks made from recycled materials, and overseas, we have installed more than 2000 toilets and have also installed purification systems for drinking water. Furthermore, we will actively participate in community activities through our track and field club team, by cooperating with the community in activities such as local events and clean-up projects. By doing so, we will take each step toward the future together with the community.
Finally, the fourth is to continue protecting the global environment. At our wastewater treatment facility, we strive to recycle the water used in our factories with the end goal of converting it back into a clean water resource. We will also continue to promote efforts to protect the global environment by undertaking activities such as recycling mineral resources and planting seedlings.

The Challenge to be Carbon Neutral by 2050

As the international community transitions from low-carbon to decarbonized, we recognize that contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society is one of the most important management issues. As a company that strives to fulfill the mandates and trust of society, our Group will work as one to take on the challenge of carbon neutrality.
The first step will be towards zero CO2 net emissions. While working to expand the production of non-burning and amorphous refractories that do not require high-temperature firing, we will also make thorough efforts towards energy conservation, including the development of a firing furnace with high thermal efficiency, electrification, and switching to LED lighting.
Of course, in addition to reducing the CO2 generated by our own manufacturing process, through our products, we will also contribute towards reducing CO2 for our customers. The steel industry is already in the process of planning and putting into place a steelmaking process with a lower environmental impact, but along with the research and development of high-performance refractories that support zero carbon and steel that we have been working on, we are also actively designing and constructing industrial furnaces with added energy-saving functions. On top of that, we have supplied and constructed refractories for biomass power generation plants and reduced energy loss by providing high-performance heat insulating materials for Ene-Farm. And by using this technological expertise that we have cultivated over the years, we aim to be a company that supports both the development of global industry and the conservation of the global environment.
The Krosaki Harima Group will continue with an eye toward being a company that supports the realization of a sustainable society and the well-being of future generations.

Representative Director, President
Kazuhiro Egawa