Continuing to protect the global environment

Continuing to protect the global environment


Connecting to the abundance of the Earth by eco-friendly resource recycling

We work hard to purify and reuse industrial wastewater with the end goal of converting it back into a global resource as clean water. We are also working to protect the global environment by undertaking activities such as recycling mineral resources and planting seedlings.

Environmentally friendly clean water

Environmentally friendly clean water

Environmentally friendly clean water

As a company that manufactures refractories, we strive to thoroughly manage the treatment of the wastewater that is generated during the production process at our factories. We purify the factory wastewater at our water treatment facility, reuse a part of this treated water in our manufacturing process, and finally convert it back into a global resource as clean water. We thoroughly maintain and manage our equipment and are making environmentally friendly efforts to conserve and recycle water.

Environmentally friendly clean water

Green Belts Protecting the Richness of Forests

Green Belts Protecting the Richness of Forests

Green Belts Protecting the Richness of Forests

TRL-K is one of our overseas group companies in India which has been working on a large-scale tree planting project. In the five years from 2016, the company has provided 66,000 seedlings and planted 15,000 trees in the neighboring regions and around the company-owned Silica stone mine.

Green Belts Protecting the Richness of Forests

Environmental conservation through resource cycle

Environmental conservation through resource cycle

Efforts to recycle and reuse products

Environmental conservation through resource cycle

Being aware and taking responsibility as a manufacturing company, we are focused on collecting and reusing the products of ours (refractories - refractory bricks) that are used by our customers. The recovered refractory bricks are crushed and become recycled material, to be remade as new bricks whose quality we guarantee. We will continue with our recycling efforts and further product development in order to achieve an even higher standard recycling rate.

Environmental conservation through resource cycle

Construction of an urban recycling system

Construction of an urban recycling system

As a community-based company, we actively recycle the municipal waste materials generated by the region. We have achieved a high recycling rate for things like refractory brick scraps, Kokura Castle roof tiles, sanitary ware scraps and molten slag, and are making an effort to develop high quality products with them. In collaboration with the local community, these products are used in the construction of many public facilities in Kitakyushu. We will continue working to maintain and improve our recycling rate and contributing to the creation of a city that is easy to settle into.

Construction of an urban recycling system